Benefits of Cherry
The cherry, being a deep colored fruit, is a powerhouse of antioxidants, which help fight against the free radicals in the body and may help prevent cancer, heart disease and slow the ageing process.
Cherry nutrition’s
The powerful antioxidants, anthocyanins, found in cherries, give them their rich red color and are believed to help relieve inflammation in the body. These same anthocyanins are also found in blueberries and other purplish-red fruits and vegetables and they may also offer some protection from colon cancer, heart attack and stroke.
Cherry juice, and especially tart cherries, can be used to relieve the pain and inflammation of: arthritis, gout, muscle pain, back pain
Cherries contain melatonin, another natural pain reliever and COX-2 inhibitor. Melatonin also helps to regulate sleep cycles and has been sold as a natural sleep aid. Reduced levels of melatonin have been associated with heart disease and increased cancer rates in night workers. The human body naturally produces melatonin, but primarily in darkness.
Cherries also contain fiber, which is important for a healthy digestive system. Diets high in fiber are believed to reduce the risk of colon and rectal cancer and most other diseases involving the digestive tract.
As every other fruit, cherry is also a rich source of vitamin C. Both types of cherries are high in vitamin C. Cherries vitamin C content helps to improve the immune system and reduces the risks of stroke. Vitamin C also helps to prevent cancer because researches say that vitamin C has the ability to kill cancer cells and also reduce the multiplication of cancer cells. Even elegiac acid and Perillyl, present in cherries, have anticancer properties.
Cherry calories
138 gm of cherries contain:
Calories: 86
Protein: 1.5 g
Carbohydrate: 22.1 g
Dietary fiber: 2. 9 g
Sugar: 17.7 g
Calcium: 17.9 g
Iron: 0. 5 mg
Cherries contain: Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Bioflavonoid, Elegiac acid, Perillyl, anthocyanins, Melatonin, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, fluoride, and folate.
Health tips for Cherry
Cherries are more popularly known as “super fruit” due to the large number of cherries health benefits that can be obtained from them. These tasty small fruits contain a number of elements that provide nutritional benefits as you have read above.
So include in your diet!
There are many ways to lose weight and get fit. But the best and healthiest way to do so, is with a diet that let's you eat your regular food, is easy to follow, doesn't keep you hungry. Many of us know what is healthy or not, but we still don't lose weight. What you need is a good weight loss diet plan, designed by an expert, who makes it around your food choices (veg, non-veg), and your height, weight, gender and other such factors.Here is what you will get for your weight loss diet: Tart cherries may help relieve muscle pain, arthritis pain and the pain of gout better than anti-inflammatory drugs, but here’s a potential new use that might be worthwhile if you need help sleeping. Researchers at Britain’s Northumbria University found that adults who drank two daily glasses of tart cherry juice slept up to six percent more efficiently (less non-sleep time in bed, and about an additional 39 minutes of sleep) than usual. This was a small study - only 20 volunteers participated. They all drank two servings of tart cherry juice concentrate diluted in a half pint of water or a non-cherry fruit drink for seven consecutive days at a time, one glass when they woke up and the second when they went to bed. Researchers who tracked the participants’ sleep habits found that after drinking the cherry juice they slept longer and napped less during the day than they did when they drank the non-cherry fruit drink. They attributed the sleep improvements seen with tart cherry juice to the small amounts of melatonin it contains.
good relevant information about cherries good for health for more information click here.. Cherries For Health